Professional consulting

We consult on all logistics-related matters, assist in optimization of the logistics chain, prepare all the required official documents and cooperate with customs brokers.


Quick resolution of problems arising during transportation is our key task. Partial assessment of circumstances and many years of experience in logistics yield the most suitable solutions to any difficulties we encounter.


We are swift to react to dynamic market changes and are always ready to offer competitive prices and fast shipping.


We are aware that logistics and shipping is not all about speed. The safety and security of your cargo during its entire journey from loading to delivery plays a huge role. Trusted warehouses, cutting- edge loading machinery and extra securing and strapping of the load are our main measures in ensuring
the safety of your cargo.

Warehousing and customs broker services:

For your convenience, road and railway terminals are ready to offer you the full package of services for further shipping.

Our main goal is to optimize your transport and logistics processes by finding the best solution (searching for the best solution).

Tel. Nr.: +370 646 32532
El. p.
